
Monitor Your Social Media in 10 Minutes A Day

With public usage of social media increasing daily, it’s important for businesses to monitor their own social media and keep it updated to maintain their success and search engine ranking.

You don’t need a team to monitor your social media; it’s possible for just one person to do it in 10 minutes (or less!) a day.  So, grab a cup of coffee or your favorite energy drink and get your day started with these five easy steps to successful Social Media monitoring:

1) Check Twitter for chatter about your company (2 minutes).  Use tools like TweetDeck or Twitter Search to monitor and join conversations about your company or brand in real-time.

2) Scan Google Alerts (1.5 minutes): Check Google Alerts for your company name, products, executives or brand.  To set this up, enter your search terms in quotes in a Google Alert and select to receive updates as they happen or once daily.  When people write about you, your company or brand, Google will send an alert to your inbox, so you can read and respond right away!

3) Check Facebook stats (1 minute): Visit your Company Page’s Facebook Insights.  This can be found under the page’s main photo if you are an admin for your page. Scan your active users and interaction stats. Check out your wall posts or new discussions if you have them enabled for your page, and join conversations related to your company or brand.

4) Answer Industry-related LinkedIn questions (3 minutes): Search for questions on LinkedIn that you or members of your company can answer.  You can set up an RSS feed for specific question categories in your Google Reader or other RSS readers as well.  When you find a relevant question, respond and include a link to your website or a relevant blog post that might be helpful to your audience.

5) Use your RSS reader to check for your company name, brand and industry terms (2.5 minutes): Set up RSS feeds in your reader for these searches in other social media sites such as Flickr, Digg and others.  Similar to monitoring LinkedIn and Twitter, your RSS reader will serve as a great place to centralize other searches too!

If you build it, don’t desert it:  Too many companies, especially those who didn’t have a social media plan in place, create social media accounts they use for a few months, abandon, but fail to delete.  Abandoned accounts create a sucking void in customer service. Customers post needs and issues to these accounts, not realizing they are no longer active, and become increasingly frustrated when their needs are ignored.

Social media is increasingly many customers’ primary source of communication for customer service issues.  If your company wants to remain competitive in today’s ever-changing business climate, you must adapt your customer service practices to embrace and leverage your social media.

At Smellycat Productions, we work with clients to create multi-platform social media marketing strategies.  Give us a call at 757.250.3197 or email us to learn how we can jump-start your business!


About Francisca

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