
Using Social Media to Grow Your Business

Social media has grown in recent years and shows no sign of slowing down!  Right now, there are over 750 million users on Facebook alone!

You can use social media to attract followers and customers in many ways.  Here are just a few:

  1. Give Your Company a Face

People feel more comfortable doing business with people they know.  Business owners or CEOs should start blogs and blog regularly on a variety of topics, such as their travels, customers or employees–even family!  Doing so lets blog visitors know who they are and builds trust in them, their company and brand.

2.    Engage Customers in Meaningful Conversations

In the age of social media, businesses must be open to discussions with their customers.  It is important to find out what they like, what they hate and what fresh ideas they want to offer.  This way, they can see that their voices are being heard.

3.    Engage Visitors by Inviting Them to Contribute Content

Another way of engaging the public is to have them contribute “content” to your social media site, such as pictures of them with or using the item they bought from you, and reviews of the product/service.

4.    Provide Instant Customer Service

Social media allows business to identify customer service issues in real time.  This can be done directly, by offering clear channels for customers to register complaints, concerns and suggestions. This can also be done by monitoring what people are saying about you or your brand online via Google Alerts .

5.    Provide Exclusive Offers and Discounts

You don’t have to be a huge company to use social media to attract customers, serve customers and increase sales. It can be as simple as informing your social media followers about current discounts or offers.

Companies of all sizes can leverage social media to enhance their brands, attract new customers, and serve current customers.  No matter what size your company or how long you’ve been in business, social media can enhance your business, and increase your bottom line.

At Smellycat Productions, we work with clients to create multi-platform social media marketing strategies.  Give us a call at 757.250.3197 or email us to learn how we can jump-start your business!


About Francisca

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